iOS Weather & Stock Widget

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Not everybody cares about stock prices or the weather. Here's how to remove the weather and stock widgets from the iOS 5+ Notification Center. If you wish to disable both or in fact just the one here is how.

Disable Widgets
  1. Navigate to Settings => Notifications
  2. Look down the list of apps in Notifications and tap on the ones you want to turn off (Weather and/or Stock)
  3. When the app's screen comes up simply toggle the setting from ON to OFF.
  4. Continue toggling until the Weather and/or Stock Widget you don't like are set to OFF.
  5. The widget you've turned off will now appear under the Not In Notification Center category on the Notifications screen
  6. Swipe down (open Notifications Center) and you will no longer see the Weather and/or Stock

Additional Notes
  1. To enable the Weather or Stock Widget again at a later date simply follow the steps again but rather than setting it to OFF simply toggle it to ON again.

This article applies to the following:
  • Apple iOS - iOS 7 with 200+ new features on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

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Updated 19/05/14 @ 19:58 PM Steven Leonard, Editor